We will be closed on 12/23, returning Monday 12/27
Working the better part of the last year at Lender Toolkit gave me new coworkers across the country. We were lucky enough to have everyone in our remote company meet this summer in sunny Utah for a working retreat. This week I’m in overcast Maryland enjoying my favorite holiday movie on repeat, and watching all the characters travel to be with their loved ones to reunite, or meet new family members for the first time. Now 2021’s holiday travel may not be the stuff of movies where Mrs. McAllister pleads with the airline rep in front of huge crowds. Maybe you are not travelling for the second year in a row. Maybe your loved one isn’t able to travel to you. So how do you make holiday MAGIC happen when you aren’t feeling your most jolly? Or your plans had to change last minute? Or you are missing someone this year? Easy… you don’t. It will find you, it just ‘happens’.
At Lender Toolkit we like to say ‘we make technology that works like MAGIC’. To our customers we make what they need in Encompass just ‘happen’ at the click of a mouse. Our advancements in automation, and digitalization for the loan process is taking us to places higher than Grinch’s Mt. Crumpit. We have been able to give so much to our clients because of the hard work and dedication of our employees. We have been able to reward our employees because of the trust put in us by our clients. By doing our best in business every day, the magic just ‘happens’.

As we all take a well deserved break from work (12/23- 12/26) to enjoy the Holidays, we hope you also get the time to reflect and relax and bask in the wonderful parts of your holiday. “Although its been said many times, many ways”, the real magic is the love you give, and the love you receive. “Seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing!” You can always find the positivity around you if you are looking for it, especially at the most wonderful time of the year. So this year, this season, this holiday, take stock of the ones who are holding you close both near and far. There is holiday magic to be found by those who can see it.
If you weren’t able to be with family last year, and you can this year, we hope you enjoy it safely. If you are still not able to be where you want or with who you want, we hope your calls, facetimes, zooms, and cards offer you warmth and you are surrounded by the magical feelings of the season. We wish you a joyful holiday!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Lender Toolkit!!