Ellie Mae® is pleased to announce that the Encompass® 18.2 Release Preview notes are now available for you to review and become familiar with what’s coming!
This upcoming major release will be available starting in April and will offer updates and enhancements to help you stay compliant and drive operational efficiencies. Additional email communications will follow as the timing gets closer.
Highlights of this major release include:
- Know Before You Owe (KBYO) updates
- Implements first phase of technical clarifications to the KBYO rule
- Cash to Close updates and streamlined workflow for Construction and Construction to Perm
- Closing Cost expiration on Revised Loan Estimates after Intent to Proceed received
- Enhanced HMDA features
- Lock option removed to streamline the workflow
- New fields to support Generic ARM Disclosures
- Extensions for Correspondent trades
- Allows investors to extend active/inactive loans
- And more!