Activity Log

Included with PowerTools Expert

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There are many things that are tracked in Encompass® that can be difficult to export or view. Administrators may be limited in how well they can diagnose issues without spending hours reviewing complicated logs or manually copying information out of Encompass® and into spreadsheets. Specifically, if companies want to track usage of Encompass® by IP address and Username, there is no native tool available to export this information for review or analysis.

The Activity Log plugin in Lender Toolkit’s PowerTools™ provides an easy to use interface for reviewing, analyzing, and exporting Loan Open and Close events that includes the UserID, IP address, Computer Name, and Loan Folder. It includes an “Export to Excel” feature, and can be easily searched from within the tool’s user interface.

Security and access permission to Encompass® are some of the highest time-spends for administrators in an industry that is full of regulation. This PowerTool™ makes it easier for administrators to monitor who is accessing loans and from where at a high level. This information can be used to determine how to best improve the security of their environment.