If you’re like most lenders, you know how tedious and time-consuming it can be to generate and send loan disclosures to your borrowers. Not to mention the risk of errors, delays, and compliance issues that can cost you dearly. That’s why Lender Toolkit created Disclosure Automation—the ultimate solution for faster and easier loan disclosures.
Disclosure Automation is a revolutionary tool that uses the power of AI to automate the entire disclosure process, from data extraction and validation to document generation and delivery, to e-signature and tracking.
With Disclosure Automation, you can:
- Generate accurate and compliant disclosures faster than ever before
- Eliminate manual data entry and human errors
- Reduce disclosure costs by up to 80%
- Improve borrower satisfaction and engagement
- Stay ahead of the competition with faster closing times
But that’s not all. This tool is also exclusively used in Encompass® by ICE Mortgage Technology®. That means you can enjoy a seamless and integrated workflow that connects all your data and documents in one place.
Don’t take our word for it, check out what one of our customers has to say:
“The automation process has improved the disclosure process for NRL in many facets. It has made the experience more seamless for branches and lightened the workload for Disclosure Desk. LTK is always available to make adjustments and improve the process further. The teamwork and communication are unmatched and makes the implementation of new processes very smooth.” -Carlos Lemus, Director of Operations, NRL
Disclosure Automation is the ultimate solution for faster and easier loan disclosures. Don’t miss this chance to streamline your disclosure process and boost your bottom line.
Learn more here or contact us today to schedule a free demo and see how Disclosure Automation can make your life easier.