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Lender Toolkit Prism

Automate & Standardize Income with Prism

Lower manufacturing costs. Reduce cycle times.
Improve borrower experiences.

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Lender Toolkit Prism

Automate & Standardize Income with Prism

Lower manufacturing costs. Reduce cycle times. Improve borrower experiences.

Schedule a Demo Now
Prism Logo

Intelligent income calculations directly integrated into Encompass®

Prism Logo

Intelligent income calculations directly integrated into Encompass®

 Gain Manufacturing Velocity

Turnkey Income Automation

Lights out Income Automation

  • Built in Underwriting guidelines
  • Get consistent income analysis
  • Analysis complete with trending and guideline advisories

 Mitigate Risk

Prism Plus:
OCR + Human in the Loop

eFolder Integration

  • Intuitive eFolder user experience
  • Data extraction (OCR or Human-in-the-loop.
  • Calculations automatically update the URLA

 Simple, Consistent Implementation

Integrated Encompass® Workflow

Encompass® Income Automation Workflow

  • Quick and easy implementation
  • Seamless user experience
  • Fully integrated and intuitive mortgage workflow

With a simplified workflow, Prism will shorten cycle times and increase profitability Prism integrates with AI UnderwriterTM.

Schedule your Prism consultation now!

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