Lykken on Lending Podcast SPECIAL EPISODE: Live from Exotic Racing – Experience 2022 – Building a Culture of Change and Automation
Join Brett Brumley, CEO of Lender Toolkit & Keri Rogers, SVP, Strategic Planning, Lennar Mortgage.
Click to Listen Live Today at 12pm (central) or call (646) 716-4972 to listen live!
In this SPECIAL PROGRAM, David Lykken sits down with Brett Brumley, CEO of Lender Toolkit & Keri Rogers, SVP, Strategic Planning, Lennar Mortgage and you will hear them talk about….
The only constant is change, and the rate of change is increasing— Peter Diamandis
Dr. Peter Diamandis said, “The only constant is change and the rate of change is increasing.” Jack Welch said, “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” Knowing that the pace of change in the mortgage industry is constantly and rapidly increasing, we would do well to ask ourselves, “Am I and/or my company changing at the same pace?” No matter how you answer this question, you will benefit from this SPECIAL PODCAST, where we will be talking about how to build a culture of change and automation.